Mint Tea on a Rug

A handmade rug was lonely lying under a brownish tent in the middle of the desert. The wind was making the tent flatter, gently.
A low table with a shining silver tray was on the rug. On the tray, a teapot and a couple of tea glasses with golden decorations were waiting for guests.
A camel and a snake were walking straight to the tent, they were coming from different ways but they were both heading there.
First was the camel that sat on the rug and turned into a stout man with blue robes. Then came the snake that sat and turned into an old woman with henna drawing on her hands. She served the hot tea with desert honey and fresh mint.
“Have you got a question for me?” asked the old woman sipping her tea
“Yes, I need to go on a long journey to the end of the desert and across the sea. Will I be safe?”
The woman carried on sipping her tea and closed her eyes.
“Careful of the white man and never carry gold. Carry the load of wool fabric or let a young woman ride you.”
“Will I ever come home?”
“After ten years.”
They sipped their tea in silence and waited for the refreshing night.
The next morning the teapot was empty and everything was silent again.
A rug was lonely lying under a tent in the middle of the desert.

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